
We rely entirely on the dedication of volunteers. As a fairly young organization, we greatly appreciate any assistance we can receive, not only for our annual Pride event but also for our ongoing efforts to uplift and support the LGBTQIA2S+ community in Chelan Valley and beyond. Your involvement is vital to the success and impact we can make. Without individuals like you, Pride would not be possible.

All too often, LGBTQIA2S+ persons are pushed to the margins. Especially in small towns like Chelan. For that to change, we must be the change. We need coordinated, community-wide advocacy and support.

When we work together to promote diversity and inclusivity, we can achieve a safer, kinder community.

When you volunteer with Chelan Pride, you get to:

Use your skills, talents and connections for good.

Hang out with the coolest humans and make lifelong friendships!

Create a true sense of community in Chelan, one that values and welcomes diversity with open arms!

If you’re interested in helping out at the main event, before and/or after, or throughout the year, send us an email and a Chelan Pride Committee member will reach out to you to discuss details about our next planning committee meeting.

Let's empower together


Let's empower together ✴︎